Noah came home today with the news that he's thinking about becoming a vegetarian. He sounded a little like a politician floating an idea, waiting for the poll results.
"Why?" I said.
"Because it seems unfair to kill an animal just to give you a meal," he answered.
Yesterday, he came home with the news that he was going to become a hippie and grow a pony tail. That's fairly big news because for the past year he's sported a crew cut. He also reported that he wanted to go out and buy some hippie regalia, including tie-dye shirts and bandanas, and that his friend Tyler, who is a Republican, isn't going along with this hippie thing - although Andrew and Carey are.
Noah is 11.
I know that a lot of kids announce their plans to become vegetarians and few stick with it. Noah, however, decided when he was 9 to become kosher and has stuck to it. No one else in our family is kosher. In fact, the other night, when Noah got invited last-minute to a sleepover, I called Warren up, excited.
"Guess what? Noah's sleeping over at Rachel and Alex's. We can eat trayf. Pick up Chinese."
This doesn't mean that Noah's deeply religious. Just that he can stick to things. The other day, at synagogue, listening to all the prayers saying that God was great, terrific, wonderful, marvelous, etc., Noah said, "It sure sounds like we're sucking up to him."
I asked him later if he thought God had a sense of humor.
"I hope so," he said.
He says he's going to try the vegetarian thing for about a week, and if it's not too bad, he's going to stick with it. It will also make being kosher easier, he pointed out.
I countered with the fact that it will make cooking family dinners harder.
"And besides," I said. "You might have to eat some vegetables."
Noah, who hates vegetables, thinks they should call it something else then. He wants to be a carb-o-tarian.
I, meanwhile, signed up today for the South Beach Diet - on the recommendation of the rabbi's wife Marilyn, who I saw at temple Saturday, 30 pounds lighter than the last time I saw her. Which shows how religious I am.
It will be interesting to see who sticks to their diet plan longer, me or Noah.
My money is on the kid.