My kids both want cell phones. The older child has wanted one for a long time. Since 7th grade, lots of other kids have had them. Right after she entered 7th grade, 9/11 happened -- and that caused school policy on the devices to ease up. Seems kids and parents want to be able to stay in touch during an emergency and school officials (who previously saw them as drug dealer equipment) decided to go along. So now there's a "don't ask, don't tell" cell phone policy at school. As long as your cell phone doesn't go off in class, you won't get in trouble for having one.
And older child points out, it would make parental drop-offs and pick-ups for things like rehearsals a lot less complicated.
Now the younger child wants one too, and since he's now tying up the land lines around the house, his is a somewhat pressing case. He is also a rational little bargainer, so he's suggesting plans that would have him generating a big enough income stream to pay the monthly bills. He could, for example, babysit for a family a couple of times a month. Or, he suggested, maybe he could cut our lawn. Since he's half the size of the lawnmower, I'm uncomfortable about that. But I did see this as an opportunity to really get the kids to do chores. Clear the table, load the dishwasher, clean your room, vacuum when I ask you to, do the recycling -- all without requiring me to nag -- and if you can do this for at least two weeks, maybe we'll get you a cell. Then, presuming this plan goes into effect, non-performance means the cell phone gets taken away for, say, a week. A constant positive/negative reinforcement plan.
I must say, I do admire this child's enterprise. And I'd much rather spring for a cell phone than the other thing he's bargaining for.
But will it just be the old bait-and-switch? The of-course-I'll-take-care-of-the-dog ploy? And what happens when they lose their phones? I mean, half the time the younger one can't even remember to bring his lunch to school. Why should he do any better with an expensive piece of electronics?
And what am I to make of the fact that they both insist they must have flip phones, while the husband and I manage perfectly fine on our standard Nokias?
And then there's this.
Help, anyone?